Yellow Pages built a restaurant 10 metres off the ground in an old Redwood tree during one of their marketing campaigns last year. The Yellow Tree House opened for bookings on the 9th of January 2009.
The 14-story, 50-foot wide Tree of Life opened at Walt Disney World, Florida in 1998. It took ten artists and three 'Imagineers' 18 months to sculpt 325 animal carvings into the tree.
A 72-foot high Baobab tree was turned into a pub at the Sunland Nursery in Limpopo, South Africa. The Baobab Tree Bar and Wine Cellar was founded after Heather van Heerden and her husband, Doug bought the farm in 1980 and discovered the massive tree was hollow. The 6,000 year old Baobab has 13-foot high ceilings and has been known to fit 54 people inside.
Nature Maker Steel Art Trees
Shawn Lovell Metalworks - Tree Bed, $15,000